Clear Skies Recap and New Revelations

During the past week there were a couple of days with flights over Modiin that were quite noisy. These flights were using the old VOR landing path that has been used on occasion during poor weather conditions, when the alternate eastern runway 26 could not be used. The VOR landing path is being used recently more than before, because the alternate eastern landing path was shut down in the beginning of June for overhaul for a period that is planned to span a year and a half, leaving runway 12-30 as the only operating runway in Ben Gurion Airport during this period.

The new LDA landing path for runway 30 that goes over Modiin will go into effect only on July 1st, and it is estimated that it will be noisier than the VOR landing path, as its altitude over Modiin is 600-1,200 feet lower than that of the VOR landing path. The new LDA landing path instructs pilots to lower the landing gear only after the plane has cleared Modiin, a measure intended to reduce the noise to Modiin residents.

Modiin municipality has setup a committee headed by deputy mayor Hanan Bernstein, that will monitor the flights over Modiin, compare it to the 5-10 flights/day average forecast provided by the aviation authorities, and discuss any irregularities with the aviation authorities. You are welcome to report flights with landing gear down over Modiin, excessive noise levels, etc. to deputy mayor Hanan Bernstein at

Last week we received a complaint from a Modiin resident who arrived per our invitation at the City Council meeting on June 2nd, to witness the discussion and the vote that took place on the Clear Skies initiative to appeal to Bagatz against the proposed landing path, and to use the Supreme Court to turn the so called “forecast” into a binding legal agreement that would include sanctions in case of violations (a proposal that was rejected by city council). It turns out that the Modiin Municipality locked the doors to the meeting immediately after it began, and refused to let residents in, under the pretext that the meeting room was full. Thus the resident left the place frustrated, like other residents who were not admitted to the meeting room.

The truth is that the meeting room was far from full and it had accommodated more than 20 additional people in previous meetings that I have attended there, such as this council meeting. In the 3 years that I have been attending city council meetings I have not seen a precedence to this behavior.  Also, in the morning of the city council meeting we explicitly wrote the general manager of the municipality and asked that measures be taken to assure that every resident who wants to view the meeting will be able to do so. We suggested holding the meeting elsewhere if needed (for example, the first council meeting after the elections was held at the entrance to the municipality to accommodate the crowd). We filed a formal complaint to the Interior Ministry. The local news site mcity also wrote about this incident, stating that it should signal a red warning light regarding the municipality behavior.

Last week I was interviewed by the local newspaper “Hadashot Modiin”, in which the nature of the pressures applied on Clear Skies activists were revealed for the first time. For example, one clear skies activist (who is a most credible person) reported that he received a telephone call from Sharon Maoz (Haim Bibas’s protégé), who told the activist that Bibas is enraged at the Clear Skies email updates that were critical of the municipality, and that Bibas wants to shut down Clear Skies. Sharon Maoz proceeded to tell the activist that “this isn’t a threat, but” Bibas & him need to know if that activist is continuing with Clear Skies, because if there will be more emails from Clear Skies then the remaining activists will be sued. More of these nasty tactics are described in the post titled “The internet troll who wanted to be a city council member”.

The interview also contains an analysis of the schedule of the Ben Gurion runway overhaul project, and how this schedule perfectly coincides with the schedule for the municipal elections due for November 2013. This may provide rationale for the surprising turnaround of mayor Bibas regarding the struggle for Clear Skies, in addition to Bibas’s conflict of interest betwen his loyalty to Modiin residents and his dependence on and loyalty to his Likud party leader Binyamin Netanyahu.

The interview is available on the Hadashot Modiin website, and an expanded version is available on Modiin-Watch, including a reprint of the Yediot Ahronot article on the Ben Gurion runway overhaul project schedule.

A year ago, a group of Modiin volunteer residents heeded the call of the Modiin mayor who asked us to lead a public struggle against the planned landing path, in order to provide the public backing to the municipality in its dealings with the aviation authorities and with the ministry of transportation. A few months ago the Modiin mayor has drastically changed his position on the struggle for Clear Skies. Differences of opinion are of course legitimate, however we suddenly found ourselves the target of pressures, intimidations & threats by the Modiin Municipality and its messengers, and that is totally unthinkable.

Thank you to all of you who cooperated with our calls for action, especially to those who attended the protests during the heat of July. Thank you to those of you who generously donated to help finance Clear Skies activities.

Yours truly,

Yaki Beja, Eli Gal & Ezi Shabi -the Clear Skies Activists left standing all the way to the very end.

Fore more details see the Hebrew version of this post on our Hebrew Website.

The struggle for Clear Skies is over

Modiin city council, with all of its 17 council members present, discussed Wednesday evening the proposal submitted by Alex Weinreb to submit a petition to Bagatz against the CAA decision to establish a new landing path for commercial jet planes at height of approximately 400 meters over the heart of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut. Only ~15 residents heeded our call to come to vote, and 50 residents sent emails to the city council members.

Council member Danny Rosenfeld was predominant in the discussion, asking challenging questions and claiming that without a binding legal agreement we have no guarantees that the “forecast” presented by the CAA of 5-10 flights per day over Modiin that will end by December 2011, will indeed materialize. But Rosenfeld’s arguments were dismissed.

According to reports we received, council member Levana Shifman (#2 on Weinreb’s Greens list) was very persistent in the discussion on the flights held Monday night in the coalition management forum, and asked challenging questions. That discussion ended with a coalition management decision that supports the process led by mayor Bibas and Deputy Mayor Bernstein, and opposes the proposal to appeal to Bagatz against the CAA decision. Coalition members are expected to adhere in their vote in city council regarding matters discussed and decided in the coalition management forum.

When Alex Weinreb’s proposal was brought to a vote, it was supported only by council members Weinreb & Rosenfeld. All the other council members present supported the counter proposal submitted by mayor Bibas, describing the management forum decision. Council member Levana Shifman left the meeting room just prior to the vote.

Mayor Bibas said he plans to file a lawsuit for loss of property value due to the CAA decision, but that will have no impact on the decision itself. According to the information presented to council members, the prospect of success for such a lawsuit are deemed very slim.

Mayor Bibas continued to disseminate disinformation during the meeting, and adamantly refused the request of council member Danny Rosenfeld to allow the Clear Skies delegates to present words to city council – even though that it is a common practice to do so when groups struggling for a come to city council (examples: parents from Reut school, resident struggling for a synagogue in Maccabim, residents struggling against cellular antennas – all got their say).

We are now at the mercy of the CAA and the Airport Authority, and we can only hope that their forecast – of 5-10 flights per day over Modiin that will end by December 2011 - will indeed materialize. The flights are due to start July 1st.

Senior CAA and Airport Authority officials laugh in our faces in a meeting held September 2009 – they knew why (photo: Eli Gal)

Come tonight at 6:45PM to the Municipality Bldg for our last chance to divert the planes

Tonight, Wednesday 2.6.10 at 7PM a Modiin city council meeting will be held in the municipality building, 1 Tiltan St. The first item on the agenda is a proposal for the municipality to appeal to Bagatz against the CAA landing path of jet planes over the heart of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut.

The appeal to Bagatz is our last chance to divert away from the city’s populated areas the jet planes that will start landing over our heads on July 1st 2010.

During the past few days we met with several key city council members and we asked for their support for the appeal to Bagatz. There are still quite a few city council members who have not made up their mind. Some of the city council members are influenced by pressure from the mayor, and they hesitate from going against the mayor’s position, who opposes the appeal to bagatz -  despite the fact that mayor Bibas explicitly promised Modiin residents that he will exhaust all options at our disposal in order to prevent the noise and pollution from these jet planes.

Therefore it is imperative that as many Modiin-Maccabim-Reut residents show up tonight at 6:45PM at the municipality building, and stare at their elected representatives in the eye, and ask them to serve their constituents, and appeal to Bagatz. Please print and hold in your hands this simple message, or attach it to your shirt.

Please also email today the city council members using this email address: . It's enough to write a title like "please decide to appeal to Bagatz against the landing path!" and to sign your name. If you have any connection to specific city council members, now is the time to contact them and ask them to support the appeal to Bagatz. Their contact info is available here.

The call to appeal to Bagatz is backed by both Green parties, who rarely unite on anything: The Green party leader in Modiin, council member Alex Weinreb, who picked up the gauntlet and submitted the proposal to appeal to Bagatz to city council, as well as Eitan Keter Yaakov, the head of the Modiin branch of “ha’tnuaa ha’yeruka”.

Please remind yourself how the Modiin public rallied in their masses in July last year, when about a 1,000 residents drove in a convoy of 350 cars to Ben Gurion Airport to protest the aviation authorities decision to setup a flight path over the heart of Modiin. Recall also the declarations made by Haim Bibas that if the path is not shifted to the unpopulated areas, then we will go back to appeal to Bagats. Watch this video from the protest last July:

If a large number of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut turn up tonight we stand a good chance of affecting the decision. Be there!

Please see our Hebrew Website for more details.