Please sign the Clear Skies Hebrew petition (Click here). The following is a translation of the petition text:
We the residents of Modiin-Macabim-Reut, are vehemently opposed to the new planned changes in the landing paths for Ben Gurion airport which will result in the planes passing at a very low altitude over our city's airspace. This proposed change will have a definite negative effect on the health and security to the citizens of our city, in addition to a negative impact on air pollution and the quality of the area. This plan will immediately cause noise pollution and will damage our quality of life. The plan, which calls for multiple flights per day, passing over our roofs at a very low altitude will negatively impact our quality of life and our children's calm existence and therefore destroy the attractiveness and special character of our city. It will put an end to the development plans for the city and cause a sharp decline in Real Estate values, thereby causing great financial damage to every resident in Modiin-Macabim-Reut.
Haim Bibas, our mayor, and his administration decided to act in a most aggressive manner against the proposed changes and have joined forces with the citizens' struggle against the office of transportation. This petition is meant to represent all the city's residents. We reserve the right to fight by any legal means in order to protect the quality of our lives and preserve the value of our real estate. We intend to not allow Modiin, Macabim and Reut to become Israel's neglected back yard.
We are herewith launching a citizen's campaign to collectively express our adamant objection and rejection to having planes flying over our heads at very low altitudes on their landing approach to Ben Gurion Airport.
In order to sign the petition you have to enter:
your name, first and last (in English or Hebrew) on line 1
your city of residence on line 2
your email address on line 3
your phone number on line 4
your cell number on line 5
Then you click on the word CHATIMA which means signature and is printed in red and outlined in red. This is what actually saves your signature onto the petition.
CLICK HERE to sign the petition.